Asia Destinations Travel Guide

Why you should visit the Phillippines as a Digital Nomad

Turquoise blue water, fantastic beaches, fresh coconuts and friendly people – well, doesn’t that sound wonderful? And best of all: all of this can be combined with your work as a digital nomad. Let’s find out what the the Philippines have to offer for digital nomads!

The Philippines is an island nation in Southeast Asia and consists of over 7,000 small and large islands. The climate is tropical and warm all year round. There is a rainy season from June to November and the dry season is from January to March. Thanks to the high temperatures, the water is pleasantly warm almost everyday. Here you can swim, snorkel and dive as you wish.

In the Philippines, there are many different places to live and work. In big cities like Cebu, Manila or Makati there are plenty of coworking spaces where you can work as a digital nomad. Also, you can find cheap accommodations almost everywhere.

There are also many cafés that are great for working since there is a good WiFi connection. With a SIM card, which can be bought cheaply on site, you have internet all over the islands. If the big cities are too crowded or too loud to work, you can switch to a smaller island in no time and escape the urban jungle.

Visit Borocay in the Phillippines as a Digital Nomad

The small and centrally located island of Borocay is known for its white beaches and holiday resorts. You will feel at home here if you would like to live on a dreamy island. On Borocay you will find many beautiful accommodations and also great coworking spaces with digital nomads. Some accommodations also offer their own office spaces

Enjoy the nightlight in Borocay! In the evening many bars offer refreshing cocktails and good music. If you need a break from work during the day or on the weekend, you can visit lots of beautiful places on Borocay: cliff jumping at Ariel’s Point, bathing at White Beach, snorkeling at Puka Shell Beach and kite surfing at Bulabog Beach. It’s your choice! There is something for everyone in the Phillippines!

Don’t miss the varied food of the Filipinos on your trip. Filipino cuisine has been shaped by many international influences and therefore has a lot to offer. Enjoy pancit (fried noodles with vegetables), adobo (chicken or pork in soy sauce) or balut (hatched chicken egg – this is a really extraordinary dish, which the Filipinos consider a delicacy). But try it yourself!


According to this motto, the Philippines promote their tourism – and they are absolutely right! No matter what you feel like, you will surely find what you are looking for in the Philippines.

It’s also worth exploring other islands while island hopping. Simply use one of the many boats that are there just for that and let them take you from one hidden place to another. Discover the underwater world while diving on Crocodile Island or check out the breathtaking Chocolate Hills on Bohol.

You realize that a trip to the Philippines can be very worthwhile. So bring enough time to explore as much of this island paradise as possible. Since life as a digital nomad is possible on all islands, you can easily reconcile your desire to travel with your work.

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