Coworking Spaces Destinations South America Travel Guide

Why you should visit Panama as a Digital Nomad

Panama is known for beautiful beaches, breathtaking cities and an adventurous nightlife. If you are traveling as a digital nomad or want to be on your way soon, Panama is definitely worth a workation. Let’s find out what this country has to offer for digital nomads!

Panama has been offering remote worker visas to digital nomads since mid-2021. With the „remote worker visa“ you can stay longer in the country than with a tourist visa. Here are the hard facts: the tourist visa is only valid for 90 days. The remote worker visa allows a stay of 9 months and can be extended by a further 9 months.

Many people from different nations now come to Panama to live and work in paradise. Also, life in Panama is diverse: here you can work in a big city or on a small island.

The capital of Panama which is called “Panama City” is very modern with its shopping malls, skyscrapers, fast cars, and nightlife in various clubs. Also, there are many ways to live as a digital nomad in Panama City. Lots of remote companies offer coworking spaces for remote workers and travelers.

Where to stay in Panama as a Digital Nomad

You can choose between traditional offices or accommodations that also offer office space. After work, you can use your free time to see the city, the Panama Canal, the rainforest around the city, or to take a trip to a nearby beach.

The province of Bocas del Toro belongs to Panama and consists of many small islands. It is located on the Caribbean coast and has exactly that to offer: beautiful Caribbean beaches, perfect for snorkeling or surfing!

Don’t forget to take a break and enjoy the local food. In Panama you won’t stay hungry for too long, because the Panameños love eating delicious dishes. So, one of the most popular dishes is pretty simple: rice, beans and chicken. But you can also often find fresh fish on the coast. A very popular dish is raw fish with fresh onions, limes and coriander. Trying this dish is a must for fish lovers!

Vegetarians and vegans love eating salads or soups with fresh vegetables or fruits. You should try the soup with corn, tomatoes and yucca when visiting Panama. There is also no lack of delicious desserts in Central American cuisine.

Also, don’t forget to visit Isla Colón. Here you will also find coworking spaces. But this place doesn’t only have to offer accommodations and offices, but also fun activities such as excursions, cocktail bars, yoga or surfing.

If you dream of working on the beach or to enjoy big city life, Panama may be the best place to do it!

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