Work with me

About me

My name is Su and I am a law student with a professional background in the media industry. Long before I started my studies, I worked in media companies as a television editor, copywriter and cutter. Since then, I have been traveling the world to get to know other cultures and people and always have a different place to work and study. Since I am a highly creative person, traveling is a great source of inspiration for me.

Work: Besides my law studies, I work as a marketing director for an online law office based in Berlin, Germany. My job is to present legal content in a visual and understandable way and to make our company more visible on new media. 

Social Media: I am very active on the business platform LinkedIn, where I can now inspire a growing community of more than 4,000 people with my postings. In 2021 I set up the largest exchange group for digital nomads in Germany on LinkedIn.

Languages: I was born in Turkey and raised up in Germany. That’s why I speak Turkish, German and English fluently. Also, I understand a little bit of French and Italian, but I only have a basic vocabulary. If possible, let’s speak in English.

Audience profile

Since all of my blog posts and Instagram posts are in German, my readers are digital nomads that come from German-speaking countries, i.e. mainly Germany, Switzerland and Austria.

My topics

On this blog I write about working while traveling, which has become possible for many people due to increasing digitalization and globalization. It is possible today to see the world while still doing a good job. They call this phenomenon New Work or Work from anywhere: not only being able to work from home, but also being able to harmonize various interests in life.

Workation is no longer just a buzzword, but a way of life that more and more people are enthusiastic about. With my content, I want to inspire people to change their place of work in order to bring more variety to their day and to make their lives less monotonous. Getting to know new cultures, speaking other languages, listening to people’s stories and trying different foods is what makes life worth living.

I see my blog and my social media as a source of inspiration for people who want open up to innovation and new thinking. With my interviews and articles working from anywhere I want to help people to shape their lives according to their own preferences. In my opinion, flexibility and freedom will be the most important future qualities in working life. Let’s welcome this new age all together!


  • Accomodations with great conditions for people who work on the go
  • Restaurants with wifi all over the world (for vegetarians and vegans, too)
  • Coworking and Coliving Spaces for remote workers from anywhere
  • Spas that offer workations (relax and work on the same place)

What I can offer

If you are interested in a collaboration, here’s what I can offer you:

  • Promotion: I present your service on this website and LinkedIn based on my personal experience. For this, you can invite me to your place so that I can create content and share it with my audience.
  • Content: While traveling I produce a lot of visual content (photos and videos). I offer you to use this content for your website or social media presence. For this, you can invite me to visit your place so that I can take photos and videos of your restaurant, spa or accommodation. 
  • Sponsoring: I write a post or a review on this website about your restaurant, spa or accommodation. You can hire me to test your travel-related product or service made for digital nomads, too.
  • Advertisement: I provide space for advertisement on this website. Here you can place your ad banner or affiliate link to increase the awareness of your restaurants, spa or accommodation.